How to install LibreCAD 2.1.3 on Ubuntu 22.04

How to install LibreCAD 2.1.3 on Ubuntu 22.04

LibreCAD is an application that is utilized to create 2D designs. It is preferably used by the engineers in the architecture industry. It is supported on all operating systems. These operating systems include Linux OS, Mac OS, and Windows OS. The installation procedure for all Linux distros is the same.

This post will look upon a procedure to install LibreCAD on Ubuntu.

How to Install LibreCAD on Ubuntu 22.04?

The designing application, LibreCAD is mostly utilized by the construction industry for designing building structures. However, to install LibreCAD software on Ubuntu, follow the given stepwise instructions.

Step 1: Update System Packages

Execute the following command to update system repositories:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install LibreCAD

Run the given command to Install LibreCAD on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install librecad -y

Hence, the LibreCAD is installed successfully.

Step 3: Open LibreCAD

Execute the below command to launch LibreCAD:


LibreCAD is launched successfully.

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How to Uninstall LibreCAD from Ubuntu?

To remove LibreCAD application run the below code:

sudo apt autoremove librecad *purge -y

LibreCAD is uninstalled from Ubuntu successfully.


To install LibreCAD on Ubuntu, first, open “Terminal” and then run the “sudo apt install librecad -y” command. Similarly, it can be uninstalled by executing the “sudo apt autoremove librecad *purge -y” command.


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Liyana Parker

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